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Guangzhou Jintai Leather Goods Co., Ltd. sales WeChat, the company was founded in 2016, mainly produces Louis Vuitton, Chanel h, Hermès hr, Prada, tb r> Dior dr, Yves Saint Laurent, Burberry brbrr, Fendi d, Bottega Veneta B, Gucci G, Celine and other first-line brand bags, belts, wallets and wallets. Our factory mainly faces domestic and foreign physical stores, foreign wholesalers, online agents and other customers. After many years of practical experience in the market and many years of production experience, our factory has strong technical force, excellent quality and low price. Excellent workmanship, delivery time & [Guangzhou Jintai Leather Goods Factory] is located in Baiyun Leather Goods World Trade City, the largest leather goods trade center in China. The company mainly produces bags, belts, wallets and other businesses. With the continuous growth of the company and the rapid development of the market, the company is in a stage of rapid development. The company has its... [Details]